Dr. Dominic Mokbel

Dr. Dominic Mokbel
Faculty of Informatics/Mathematics
HTW Dresden
01069 Dresden

Office: S224
Tel: +49 351 462 2053

Short CV

  • since 2023:    PostDoc, TU Bergakademie Freiberg, Germany
  • 2017 – 2023:  PhD Student in Mathematics, TU Dresden / HTW Dresden, Germany
  • 2016:              M.Sc. in Mathematics, TU Dresden, Germany

Scientific Interests

Modeling and Simulation of Fluid-Structure-Interactions in biological and physical systems

  • Phase-field approaches, ALE method (Arbitrary Lagrangian-Eulerian)
  • Wetting of structured and viscoelastic materials, granular wetting
  • Interactions of fluids with membranes and filaments
  • Simulations of AFM (atomic force microscopy)


  • Mathematics for electrical engineers
  • Scientific Computing