In case of an online meeting you can join the session via zoom here.

Group meetings 2025
WeekDatePresenterTopicSnack provider
23-01-2025JohannaJohanna’s practice defenseTimo
421-01-2025Eric SchneiderProjektvorstellung: Mechanische Charakterisierung von Zellen auf schwingenden SubstratenSebastian
Group meetings 2024
WeekDatePresenterTopicSnack provider
5012-12-2024Last (Christmas) MeetingUwe, Johanna
4524-10-2024Monthly Meeting
3712-09-2024Monthly Meeting
3528-08-2024Marcel MokbelHow to write your own operators in AMDiS
Johanna, Timo
3315-08-2024Monthly meetingLuise
2704-07-2024Monthly meetingMax
2627-06-2024Timo HölleinNumerical simulation of wetting on biomembranesFrancine, Luise
2306-06-2024Monthly meetingJohanna, Hanna, Francine
1802-05-2024Monthly meetingFrancine
1327-03-2024Dennis TrautweinModellierung, numerische Analysis und Simulationen zu einem Sharp Interface Modell für viskoelastische two-phase flows
1220-03-2024Eloy de KinkelderPattern formation on deforming active viscoelastic surfacesEloy
928-02-2024Monthly meeting
316-01-2024Monthly meetingSebastian
Weekly seminars 2023
weekdateSpeakerTopicCake and/or fruit
211-01-2023Monthly meetingClaudia
318-01-2023Simon PraetoriusA Parametric Finite-Element Discretization of the Surface Stokes EquationsEloy
425-01-2023Luise ZiegerSebastian
608-02-2023Leonie SchmellerGradient flows and moving contact linesLucas
1115-03-2023Eloy de Kinkelder,
Marcel Mokbel
2x practice talk for DPGSebastian
1405-04-2023Monthly meeting:(
1512-04-2023Handicraft day
1619-04-2023Hanna Luise GertackVTKTimo
1803-05-2023Monthly meetingKlara
1910-05-2023Claudia WohlgemuthDoxygen for dummiesONLINE
2017-05-2023Florian FrankeA computationally efficient 1D model for 3D tumor spheroid response to radiation treatmentDominic
2124-05-2023Maximillian KloppeA phase-field model of elastic surfaces in flow
22GAMMMaximillian KloppeA phase-field model of elastic surfaces in flow
2307-06-2023Monthly meeting
2414-06-2023Eloy de KinkelderMonolythic surface viscosityEloy
2707-07-2023 (Friday!)
11:30 in MIB-1108
Johanna Klinke
Gotthard Brandt
Image segmentation with phase-field models:(
3026-07-2023Monthly meetingSebastian
3423-08-2023Holiday photosDominic
3713-09-2023Monthly meetingLuise
4010-10-2023 10:00
11-10-2023 13:00
Hanna Luise Gertack
Klara Liesegang
4116-10-2023Klara LiesegangDiplomverteidigung
4218-10-2023Sebastian Alandwetting membranes
4401-09-2023monthly meetingEloy
Weekly seminars 2022
203-01-2022Eloy de KinkelderParaview workshop 1:(
417-01-2022Eloy de KinkelderParaview workshop 2:(
631-01-2022Dominic MokbelStick-slip behaviour:(
814-02-2022Lucas WittwerParaview workshop 3:(
921-02-2022Claudia WohlgemuthA phase field model for active surfaces:(
1028-02-2022Lucas WittwerA computational model of self-organized shape dynamics of active surfaces in fluids:(
1611-04-2022Maximilian KloppeA phase field model for elastic surfaces in flow:(
1825-04-2022Luise ZiegerModeling tumor growth – a viscoelastic model for compressible tissue:(
2409-06-2022Marcel MokbelImplicit Coupling of surface and bulk equations with AMDiS:(
2516-06-2022Hanna GertackA simple model of brain tumor growth:(
2623-06-2022Sebastian AlandNumerical simulation of a viscoelastic active surface under a chiral force field.:(
2730-06-2022Paula Kahl, Klara LiesegangSimulation of particles in Navier-Stokes fluids:(
4219-10-2022Coffee and short talks on vacationMaximilian
4326-10-2022, 14:00Eloy de KinkelderOscillations on an active viscoelastic surfaceClaudia & Hanna
4402-11-2022, 14:00Montly meetingLucas
4509-11-2022, 13:00

09-11-2022, 14:00

Florian Franke

Institute group picture in Freiberg

Tumor growth

4723-11-2022, 14:00All German and Japanese peopleSoccer world cup, Germany-JapanMaximilian
4830-11-2022Marcel MokbelWetting of BiomembranesCaterina
4907-12-2022Monthly meeting
5014-12-2022, 14:00Sebastian Aland

(live @MPI-PKS in Dresden)

Numerical simulation of a viscoelastic active surface under chiral forces

Live Talk at MPI-PKS in Dresden

5121-12-2022, 14:00

21-12-2022, ?

Uwe Prüfert

Solving optimal PDE control using a Simulation Environment

Christmas market in Freiberg

Weekly seminar schedule
2231-05-2021, 13:00Sebastian AlandPhase-field modelling of two-phase flows
2307-06-2021, 09:30Sebastian AlandMonthly meeting + Phase-field modelling of two-phase flows part 2
2414-06-2021, 09:30Uwe PrüfertOptimal control with PDEs part 1
2521-06-2021, 09:30Uwe PrüfertOptimal control with PDEs part 2
2628-06-2021, 09:30Stephan KöhlerIntroduction to the exercise database of Numerics in TU Freiberg
2705-07-2021, 09:30Monthly meeting
3026-07-2021Lucas WittwerData managment
3102-08-2021Monthly meeting
3209-08-2021Paul AuerbachParticle-laden droplet evaporation – Simulations and Experiments beyond the
Coffee Ring Effect
3606-09-2021Monthly meeting
3713-09-2021Lucas WittwerSimulations of an active surface immersed in viscous fluids
4111-10-2021Luise ZiegerEine Embedded-Boundary-Methode zur Simulation biologischer Zellen in Strömungskanälen
4325-10-2021Eloy de KinkelderChiral forces on spherical viscoelastic surfaces
4401-11-2021Monthly meeting